
call: 01730 812742

Our safety management takes two main approaches. Firstly, prevention of incidents through rigorous risk assessments, training and employing only experienced outdoor practitioners. Secondly, through swift and effective support to look after our people in the event of an unavoidable incident. These two approaches run through all 5 elements of our Safety System. This is made possible because of our size, large enough to have all the systems, technology, procedures and people in place but small enough to micro-manage this critical part of our service.


Satellite Communications & Tracking

Experience & Technology

Operations Room


Experience underpinned by technology

The unrivalled experience of our team is critical to our ability to prevent and respond to incidents of all types. Technology is vital in facilitating a swift and effective response when it is urgently needed and we invest heavily to ensure we always have the latest equipment. It is this combination of experienced people and use of technology that sets us apart.

Ultimately in the event that a team requires support urgently, it will be the voice on the end of the phone that can provide help; the technology merely makes the conversation possible. That’s why our Operations Room is only manned by full time members of staff, all of whom are operational practitioners, know all of our customers and their itineraries and have the authority to make decisions immediately.

Satellite Communications and tracking

All True Adventure teams carry mobile phones with local sim-cards, satellite phones and the latest GPS tracker. This gives the teams the best possible worldwide coverage to establish two-way communications with our Operations Room. All satellite equipment is leased rather than bought to ensure we always have the very latest models available. Our Trackers provide a reassuring visual interaction for friends and family back in the UK, who can monitor the team’s movements in real time online. More importantly it provides the operations staff with the ability to, independent from the public view, make adjustments to the frequency of reports and follow teams if route changes are made or if assistance in remote locations is required. Satellite phones are used for communications where no mobile signal is available and can also be used to receive text messages from the Operations Room requesting a call back to the UK allowing us to pass on any important but not urgent news to team members, normally within a 24hr period.

Operations Room

While expeditions are underway the Operations Room is staffed 24/7 by Duty Managers and Duty Directors who are full time members of True Adventure. The duty system operates two distinct levels of back-up enabling the Duty Staff to immediately prioritise any call or request from teams overseas. With constant access to our robust and comprehensive CRM system the reaction is swift, efficient and accurate.


Our technical leaders are selected for their experience in working with young people, their knowledge of life on expeditions and their National Governing Body Qualifications. Often forged with numerous expeditions and leadership roles over many years, they are well versed in their responsibilities. In all but exceptional circumstances, technical leaders are placed with the team prior to the Training Weekend, as we believe that this an important factor in the forming of a strong and cohesive adult leader team that can alleviate minor issues whilst on expedition.


Training of students and adults heading out on expedition is seen as a critical part of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of teams on expedition. Many aspects of safety are discussed throughout the planning process but the formal milestones of the Team Training Weekend and The Leader Conference are critical.

  • Team Training Weekend - All teams, no matter the duration, nature of the expedition or its destination are required to attend an expedition training weekend. During this weekend team members will be taken through what they can expect whilst overseas and how each member plays a part in the safety of themselves and others. Both generic and specific health and safety training needs are identified and delivered by our technical leader in realistic scenario based training sessions along with briefings on what levels of fitness will be required for their expedition.
  • Leader Conference – All adult leaders are asked to attend a full day’s Leader Conference during which all aspects of True Adventure’s safety and back-up systems are discussed. This includes safety, medical and communication presentations, itinerary specific workshops and scenario based discussions. It also offers time to talk one-to-one with any member of True Adventure with any concerns you may have regarding the expedition.

Join the family.
Here's where to start


Drop us a line or give us a call

We don't have a 'sales department' so any one of us may answer the phone and we're always delighted to help with your questions.
01730 812742


Let's meet up for a chat

We love to chat about expeditions over a cuppa! We're happy to visit you to discuss your expedition aspirations or via phone if you're short on time.


Launch the expedition in school

Announcing an expedition to the school is always exciting. We present to students in assembly then a week or so later to parents after school.


Form the team

Unlike typical school trips, we collect all applications and payments directly, reducing admin time for teachers.

Teachers, drop us a line below and we’ll call for a chat or dial:
01730 812742

*Compulsory fields